Green Party pledge extra £2.5bn towards the arts

The Green Party will commit to spending an extra £500m a year on the arts in the next Parliament if elected.

In their Manifesto, the Green Party highlight 'active citizenship' and favour increased government support in areas such as media, sports and the arts.

This is their list of pledges for the next 5 years should they be elected:

The Green Party will:

  • Tighten the rules on cross-media ownership and ensure that no individual or company owns more than 20% of a media market.
  • Support the recommendations of the Leveson Inquiry into press ethics and for the cross-party Royal Charter. But if this is not supported by all the major newspapers we will support legislation to implement the Leveson system of independent press self-regulation.
  • Maintain the BBC as the primary public service broadcaster, free of government interference, with funding guaranteed in real terms in statute to prevent government interference.
  • Increase government arts funding by £500 million a year to restore the cuts made since 2010 and reinstate proper levels of funding for local authorities, helping to keep local museums, theatres, libraries and art galleries open.
  • Reduce VAT to 5% for live performances.
  • Work to support fair pay productions in the arts.
  • Support initiatives to make the arts and sports accessible to all.
  • Set targets for participation in sports by women, ethnic minorities and disabled people in particular.
  • Make sure all children get at least a half-day equivalent of sports in school and encourage both the use of schools sports facilities by the community and participation in regional and national sporting events by our young people.
  • Ensure that all have digital access and give BT and other public telecommunications operators an obligation to provide affordable high-speed broadband-capable infrastructure to every household and small business. This in particular will encourage videoconferencing, helping to reduce both business and family travel.
  • Strengthen controls on advertising directed at children.
  • Value the contribution made by civil society organisations both here and abroad. In particular, we would repeal the Lobbying Act 2014.
  • Support state funding of political parties.
  • Give fair representation to political parties in televised debates.

For the complete list check out the Green Party Manifesto.

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