We have compiled a list for filmmakers of our favourite sites to help you in your careers. From networking to directing, you can find a good wealth of information from the following sites
- Free to download screenplays from major films to TV series.
- Un-produced and free scripts available to download
Resources for filmmakers
Everything you need to know about making films in the UK, including production catalogues and events.
The UK s main online database for working professionals.
Film Blogs
Get an insight into the life of a production assistant through this film industry blog.
A great blog that talks about movies, performances, awards and many more topics with an active fan base
Entertainment News
- This industry focused magazine covers film festivals, reviews and in depth analysis of film industries around the world.
- One of the most respected publication. Present at major film festivals with reviews, tech news, and entertainment stories.
- Britain s premiere movie magazine with great reviews and entertainment stories
More websites will be added soon!