Going viral : Stunning International Space Station timelapse video


The International Space Station goes viral

A new timelapse video which includes photographs taken from the ISS crew has gone super viral after receiving critical praise from web audiences for it's beauty and 'awe'.

Released by Knate Myers this past week and showing a timelapse narrative of images from space, the newly released video is something you must see to believe. As the film transitions between night and day, viewers are treated to a breathtaking look at the earth as the Interntional Space Station makes its orbital journey.

Captured stills even include the famous Northern Lights as the ISS travels across the surface. Viewers can see the glow of man-made light and the power of nature revealed with the dazzle of thunderstorms as the ISS passes.

Check out the video below. The music soundtrack is by John Murphy

ISS Timelapse Video by Knate Myers

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