film news

‘The Frontier: Ukraine’ completes post production

The Frontier Ukraine
Fact Not Fiction Films has confirmed that their latest feature length documentary film ‘The Frontier: Ukraine’, a co-production with London based JTEC Productions is set for release.

The film is a passion project for Producer/Directors, John Taylor and Elliott Crawford. Filmed over several visits to the Ukraine in 2014 and 2015, the film covers an important ongoing story.

The film focuses on the recent conflict in Ukraine and the dire implications this has had on the country and Europe as a whole. It delves into the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 and the human cost being paid in the East of Ukraine.

Co-Producers/Directors, John Taylor and Elliott Crawford, stated:

“We are excited to see the public reaction to the final piece and keen to show the true reality of the conflict in Ukraine to a wider audience.”

Fact Not Fiction Films producer, Tristan Loraine stated:

“John and Elliott are brave filmmakers. They risked their lives to investigate this story. They spent 3 years of their life on this project, a tribute to independent filmmakers determined to deliver a balanced overview of a real human story.”

Fact Not Fiction Films Production Manager, Beth Moran stated:

“Post production had its challenges, as all productions do, but the team did a great job. My special thanks to our great composer Moritz Schmittat and Niamh Hargan at SmithDehn LLP for their invaluable support with the film.”

For more information about the film please visit:

For further information please contact:

Tristan Loraine
Fact Not Fiction Films Ltd
The Courtyard
30 Worthing Road
RH12 1SL

+44 7968 213862

John Taylor / Elliott Crawford
JTEC Productions Ltd

+44 7892 332979

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