Film Careers

Film Careers

Entering the British film industry

The British Film Industry employs over 35,000 people and supports 100,000 jobs in the economy. From technical film crew to caterers, film studios and publicists, the British Film Industry supports many sectors including advertising, tourism and Hotels.

With a highly skilled work force, British technicians are in big demand, not just for local production, but international co-productions, particularly with Hollywood studio movies.

There are many film careers to pursue in the UK which are not necessarily directly linked to working on a film set. Having a job at a big film production studio like Pinewood might involve PR, marketing and logistical work beyond the scope of a film set. With a large choice of careers in the film industry and a strong domestic market for movies, there is a great opportunity for young people to learn skills to shoot movies at home and abroad.

Below are some of the careers that people can pursue within the industry. You can go into these for more detail about each role.

Film careers