film news

UK vs Argentina tonight but did Falklands film do damage?


Falklands film controversy

It was just a few months ago that a film showing Argentina's national Hockey team captain Fernando Zylberberg training on the Falklands islands caused a stir.

The short promo film showed the captain training at different locations on the islands, including one controversial scene where he does step ups on a war memorial. It caused a diplomatic spat with the UK, and was condemned by leading politicians

The ad was filmed in different locations without permission but Zylberberg himself won't be competing at the 2012 Olympics tonight due to injury. This will likely diffuse some of the tension but there may be some friction at the match later with protests against the UK. This year marks the 30th anniversary of the Falklands war.

I hope the two countries can leave politics to one side and enjoy this sporting occasion.

The Riverbank Arena will host the match tonight from 7pm onwards.

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