The differences that make ECU something special

It’s saturday the 5th of April and the sun has decided to show up. The city shows itself from it’s best side and the warm spring weather does not really make an entire day at the cinema a very tempting idea.. However, the packed program of the ECU Independent film festival seems, if possible, even more incredible than an early summer in Paris so in the end, the decision is not very hard to make.

Throughout the day, the screening of 53 films divided into 8 sessions took place at the 'Cinéma le Lincoln' and the '7 parnassiens'. Every session consisted of a good mix of films in different languages and with different themes. There was everything from music videos, animations and comedies, to experimental films and documentaries. With such a wide selection of great indie films, the festival is suitable for a big audience and in the last few years, the festival has become mpre popular.

Filmmakers, directors and indie film lovers come to ECU to be inspired and entertained by some of the world’s best indie films, which creates an interesting and unique environment for everyone participating. Skilled directors from all over the world are open and accessible to everyone and ready to share experiences, answer questions and give advice to the beginners in the business.

In the end, the festival relies on about 30 volunteers from all over the world to make it such a success. According to Shannon Keating, working as an intern at this year's festival, the variety of people makes the festival something special and together they help each other out to avoid the small hiccups that might appear during the weekend.

Altogether, the differences makes ECU something special - ambiance, entertainment and a good dose of quality filmmaking.

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