Comedy short film “The Coupon” by director Laura Seay makes online debut
Director and actress Laura Seay (Superbad, NCIS, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) has unveiled her latest comedy short film, The Coupon, which premiered this week online.
Director and actress Laura Seay (Superbad, NCIS, Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) has unveiled her latest comedy short film, The Coupon, which premiered this week online.
Angus Imrie (Fleabag, The Crown), Cat White (Ten Percent, Threesome) and Michael Cochrane (Downton Abbey, The Iron Lady) will star in an exclusive preview of ‘In A Land Farr Away’.
Composer and multi-instrumentalist Robert Wolf has received a “Best Original Song” Game Audio Network Guild (G.A.N.G.) nomination for the Arknights track “Immutable”.
Animation is by no means a new artform. The history of animation stretches before the invention of cinema, first reaching commercial success in 1832.