Nicole Kidman stars in 'Grace of Monaco' which opened the Cannes Film Festival with a devastating reaction from critics. The reception was in fact so bad Monaco's Prince Albert condemned it and would not attend.
With an ungraceful 0% so far on Rotten Tomatoes, and universal panning, the film could be considered one of the worst openings for Cannes in living memory. Despite the talented cast and crew, there appeared to be little appetite to even give slight credit to the filmmakers who tried to retell the personal story of a dispute between Monaco's Prince Rainier III and Charles De Gaulle over tax laws from the point of view of Grace Kelly.
Media reaction to Grace of Monaco
"Often silly but never vivacious, Grace of Monaco fails as either a stately drama of the BBC provenance or an entertainingly trashy tell-all." - Time
"Like a 104-minute Chanel ad, only without the subtlety and depth." - The Guardian
"The film is dragged down by the writers' decision to focus on an incident in Monaco's history that will bore many viewers and turn a few more against the supposed heroes." - Irish Times
"Occasionally, like with something like “The Happening” or “The Room,” you start to convince yourself that Dahan and co. are in on the joke, and have stealthily made a full-on comedy. Then another scene rolls around, and it becomes clear just how lacking in self-awareness the movie really is." - IndieWire