Jim Carrey is back in Paramount’s latest live action animation “Sonic The Hedgehog” as the iconic Dr. Robotnik with a new trailer released today showing a sneak-peek of his new character.
As one of the gaming industry’s most iconic titles, “Sonic The Hedgehog” is a SEGA 90s classic that will have broad appeal, however can it transition from a console era cartridge game to a memorable motion picture worth seeing?
The film follows the story of a small-town sheriff who makes his way to San Francisco to help an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog (Sonic), run at crazy speeds - and take on the evil Dr. Robotnik.
Sonic The Hedgehog trailer
“Sonic the Hedgehog” will feature Ben Schwartz as the voice of Sonic, along with James Marsden who plays Tom Wachowski (the Sheriff), and Jim Carrey as the megalomaniac and totally crazy inventor, Dr. Robotnik.
Paramount acquired the rights from Columbia Pictures, and after nearly a year of delays the film was announced officially last year and would be coming out by the end of 2019 with most of the original team still onboard.
“Sonic The Hedgehog” will be released in cinemas this November 8th nationwide.
Are you going to see the movie? Share your opinion with us: @filminetwork