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Chris Pine stars in painfully low budget short about a vampire

Chris Pine has taken his world class acting ability and transformed it into a blood sucking vampire for a short comedy sketch that has such a low budget, the making-of exceeds the length of the film itself. (video below)

Released this afternoon on Funny or Die, Pine, dressed in a cheesy, Vampire 'Lawyer' costume turns up to the court house and says some random things that don't make much sense, but what happens afterwards is far more interesting..or so the creators of this short film would have you believe.

Apart from the witty humor the sketch features a ridiculous credit sequence of names for special effects that were so bad they didn't warrant a department to make them. Further on we get introduced to some outtakes along with more stock piano music that caps off the short, and reaffirms how we will never again recover those lost minutes.

Is this low budget filmmaking at its fundamental best?

(video missing)

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