Are cinema tickets too expensive?

Cinema ticket price average increases

If you haven't already noticed, cinema tickets have been getting more expensive over the years. in 2012, they are at an all time high.

The cinema ticket price average across the U.S now stands at $8.12, up from $8.06 in the second quarter of last year. Is the price becoming unaffordable for some?

One of the reasons for the average increase is not related to inflation, but rather 3D releases. The 3D market has not been the runaway success studios have hoped for with IMAX tickets said to be too expensive by some.

According to the LA Times, Box office revenue year on year is actually up 5% and numbers have also increased by 4%.

Just recently, IMAX and AMC signed a new deal to open more theatres across the nation that will also show 3D movies.

What do you think of the price of a ticket in your area? Should it be lower, or is it reasonable?

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