Anne Hathaway looking up to Ricky Gervais for Oscars night

This year s Academy Awards nominations have yet to be announced but Anne Hathaway is already looking up to Ricky Gervais as a 'mentor'.

The actress turned presenter for this year s ceremony attended the Golden Globes to get a feel for Gervais style and humour. The British host in recent days has been given a media boost, and will feature later this week on Piers Morgan s Tonight show on CNN.

Anne Hathaway told People: "I'm here to take notes from Ricky Gervais for when I host the Oscars." The young starlet along with James Franco will proved entertainment at the Oscars including singing and dancing.

Anne s big break was when she played Mia Thermopolis in the comedy drama The Princess Diairies . Recently it was reported that the star would play a lesbian in upcoming Glee episodes, one of America s most popular TV series.

The 2011 Oscars

The Oscars will announce the final nominees on January 25th .

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