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7 reasons why Paramount banned this 10-year-old movie

Paramount Pictures stepped into the Sony Hack debate today when the studio decided to make an executive decision on a decade old film that was going to screen at movie theaters over the Christmas break.

With 'The Interview' totally canceled, and a furious outcry in Hollywood, some movie theaters decided it was about time to fight back the evilness of this great tragedy. With North Korea firmly on the minds of theater owners, losing 'The Interview' was both painful and tragic to ignore.

A surge in interest for 'Team America: World Police' (2004) led to several movie theaters deciding to open the film instead to celebrate the defiant American dream and freedom of expression.

However, 3 cinemas were contacted by Paramount a short-while later and told to ditch screenings of the movies which were scheduled to run over the Christmas period.

That's right folks. A satire, that was produced 10 years ago before Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Snapchat was born suddenly died today.

Paramount gave 0 feedback on why they decided to ban the film screenings. There are several possible theories:

1. The studio wants to show solidarity with Sony and not exploit the painful hack that would make them appear greedy.
2. There is a legitimate security concern for audiences that is still being investigated.
3. Paramount doesn't want to get hacked.
4. There are legal repercussions should there be violence at theaters following the hack threat.
5. The White House has stated this is a national security matter meaning Paramount would look irresponsible if they gave a green light to a film that mocks North Korea.
6. The industry needs some timeout to fix up cyber defenses before getting bold and angry with new movie releases that insult North Korea.


7. At the request of law enforcement or intelligence agencies, Paramount was advised to issue the order to cancel screenings for recent threats we are not even aware of.

Let's just say it's too early to say Paramount is 'cowardly' when we don't know the full facts.

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