Ever wondered how simply using email can earn you money? Here is how:
- Auto responder
Auto responders are great to have because you can attach a specific message relating to your activity. Automated replies can be used to bring in subscribers to your e-commerce website or magazine by allowing people to sign up to a mailing list while they wait for your reply.
- Job Applications
Applying for jobs is the most common way of earning money from your emails. If you get the job, well then, you get paid! At this point you will want to refine your CV, your cover letter and tailor your responses and references to the job at hand.
- Pitching
Pitching for work can bring results in specific industries if you have prior relationships or have a recognized brand. Presenting new ways for a business to market their activity can be one example of offering a service. Another example would be to present your show reel and offer a low cost music video to a production label.
- Referrals/affiliates
Perhaps you have a friend who has in depth knowledge of a certain area of the business, an upcoming music artist who is trying to secure a gig or simply you can put two and two together. This can earn you a commission, whether you make an agreement beforehand or use an affiliate link to send to your email contacts. This can bring in the cash if you have a good sized list, a niche offer, or know contacts who are looking specifically for something that you can provide.
- Marketing
Marketing your product, website, service or artist is a delicate balance of providing an insight or going all the way into SPAM mode. The general rule is not to send emails to people you don t know because 99% of the time they will be ignored. Marketing should be targeted to people you believe will benefit from what you have to offer in your closer circle.
The key is to market a free service so that people can discover who you are. They can then choose whether to sign up for classes, buy products or join your website s mailing list later. This is one gateway to getting paid indirectly.
Don t underestimate the power of a simple email!