More than 4000 students have now taken this scriptwriting course

The Million Dollar Screenplay course has now been taken by over 4000 students after being launched by Paul Castro, the writer for Warner Bros’ Oscar-nominated drama “August Rush” and 40+ TV pilots and feature scripts.

Launched on Udemy, the course has been one of the most popular in the film category and continues to get on average 4.8/5 reviews from students. With Black Friday approaching, screenwriters can access the course for up to 78% off for the next few hours, with prices set to go up gradually through to next week.

With the quality of online education going up, and the price going down, filmmakers have never had so much choice, and as more film professionals share their expertise, film students around the world, especially in developing countries can access this education for a fraction of the price.

This year, there is a host of discounts available for film courses on the platform which students can access instantly on their phone or laptop. You can check the latest discounts throughout the Black Friday season which officially kicks off today and tomorrow for many online stores until the end of November.

You can also access the most popular courses taken by Film Industry Network readers here.

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