The Academy Awards every year highlights the finest work of the film industry and winners get the all-star treatment on and off the stage.
With actors such as Colin Firth and Christian Bale receiving Oscars, British audiences will be especially pleased to see their favourite actors make it big in America this year. With hosts and Oscar winners sharing the glory at the Academy Awards, the celebrations went on late into the night.
Some of the guests in attendance included Steven Spielberg, Tom Hanks, Hugh Jackman, Halley Berry, Kirk Douglas, Cate Blanchett and more. What were your favourite Oscar moments this year? Will Christian Bale's epic beard become a fashion trend as he takes his Oscar home?
(Gallery no longer available)
Images ©A.M.P.A.S.
This year's Oscar winners at the backstage press conference include the likes of Natalie Portman and Colin Firth. Each winning guest is photographed, including hosts. For a full selection of images and winners log on to the Oscar website below.